5th floor

UntitledTop: Assembly, skirt: Coach, necklace: Diamond Foundry
Photography: Michelle Mosqueda
I'd had the absolute pleasure of working with Diamond Foundry, my appreciation for diamonds has grown as I've gotten older and it's pretty important to make sure you wear the right one...
The Diamond industry has been linked for quite some time to child labor, cartel pricing and human right abuse. You can't just wear anything, and I know it’s easy to say, but it's something to think about.
Diamond Foundry developed Eco-Friendly Diamonds, they forge diamonds under the extreme heat of a "sun on Earth", pretty cool am I right? Click here for more info and of course pictures since I'm sure we are all very visual in this day in age.
Also may I add that this is my first diamond necklace? I've always wanted one...don't we all? But picking and figuring out which one really suited me was tough, that is till I found something I feel about good about wearing. And like myself, each diamond is uniquely cut. (see what I did there? Haha.) Created in small batches rather than being mass produced. Makes it that much more special.
I shot these photos in my home, I wanted to share with you the story of this beautiful company in a place I find to be warm and peaceful, my home.