Jumpsuit: Theory of Gaia
Top: Samuji, Pants: Maje, bag: Los and Sons
Photography: Mehdi Lacoste
So much has happened this summer I don't even know where to begin. One of my most memorable moments being my trip to London. I'd only been once before and It was short, not nearly as exciting as this last trip. I wore the same shoes everyday for a week as well as just using one purse. This is to give you an idea of the sorta person I am. I'm practical and contrary to what people might presume..I'm failry simple.
I wish I could remember all the beautiful names of places I visited. Hampstead heath park was so nice... I had a picnic by the ponds oh and my first Pint! I saw a few Harry Potter movie scenes..one being the Millennium Bridge! It was a surprise too, I had no idea where I was going and had to hold back tears walking towards it, although I think i let one slip but kept it a secret... Little things like that made my trip to London special.