Playful on 14th


Jumpsuit: Lord & Taylor, Poncho: BCBGeneration, shoes: Rachel Zoe

The past couple of days have been super grey and not very inspiring. This

BCBGeneration poncho from Lord & Taylor sure has lifted my spirits. If

you've been following me for a while then you probably already picked up

on my love for 70's inspired pieces. I love anything with a vintage touch, not

to mention adding color to a darker outfit makes these grey city days a little

less of a drag. This jumpsuit from Lord & Taylor is so comfortable and easy

to slip on and off. I can wear it anywhere, including around the house since

that's what most of my nights consists of these days! But when I feel like

being social, I throw on these awesome Rachel Zoe loafers to dress up the

outfit a bit.

It's been a lot of work moving and figuring out what to do with all my stuff

but thankfully it’s happening during my favorite season, Fall. One reason

why I love this season is because I really feel as if I truly tap into my more

feminine side in cooler weather. This Yigal x Design Lab

jumpsuit from Lord & Taylor has a much more delicate silhouette which in

the past is something I might not have picked up but I really loved the

flowiness of it all. Personally, my favorite tip for fall is to try new styles. I've

changed so much this year so why not switch up my style as well?