I feel like it's been since forever that I haven't done a tutorial on how I do my hair. This may the first time actually, so cut me some slack if it's not perfect. If I had a dollar for each tumblr question on how I do my hair or each email I'd have A LOT of $'s. Legit...a lot. It never annoys me, I get annoyed at myself because I always want to make time to sit down and figure out how to actually do a proper tutorial. I know many of you will want a video after this but lets do one thing at a time here.
Good morning right? How many of you have woken up and looked like this or WORSE?! I mean I wish I could just wake up and look uhmazing but I'm not Aria from Pretty Little Liars. (That girl always looks so good) Anyways yeah this doesn't happen every morning but let's face it, some mornings us girls just look gross and not kissable, also our breath smells it's just not right... even if our boyfriends say we look good....we know they are LIARS!
Below I will begin my step by step photo process on how I do my hair the "natural way". As you might have noticed I have a lot of different styles I like to do..but this is my easy "Wake up and sorta go" style without all the frizz and craziness.

There are very few firsts in a girls life. First kiss, first heartbreak, first pet...First hair product. My mother bought me my first hair product in Paris it was 1998. We went to some hair place and she bough me Frizz Ease the original hair serum, I remember being like wow this is going to make me beautiful. The next day she taught me how to use it and how to smooth down the frizz near my face. I remember her saying "Please don't get this everywhere!" and the mom phrase "Wash your hands after" I think we all have products we remember or grew up with and John Frieda was one of them, which is why I chose to just use Frizz Ease for my tutorial, from start to finish.

After washing my hair with Shampoo & Conditioner (pour some of the serum in the shampoo it makes it not so hard on your hair). I sprayed the Dream Curl daily styling spray on my damp hair. Make sure to spray all over.

After all the spraying take some hair serum and dispense a dime size amount onto your palms. Rub hands together and distribute evenly throughout hair.

Make sure to get it everywhere. Plus you know your own hair better than anyone else so make sure to put enough where it gets super dry!!
Also...i'm not wearing any makeup in the pictures shown above, like zip zero none. Thought it would be cool for effect!

Okay fast forward a little. I like to put a little bun on the top of my hair to give natural volume near the bangs area. now let it dry..my hair doesn't take long to dry. (also just put some make up one so I could look semi cute and what-not)

Curls are not all the same, and that goes for on your head too! I have three different types of curl textures on my fat head and sometimes they don't all look good! So I go to the curling iron and I fix them. I take the weirdo strait curls and make them bounce. I smooth out anything that needs smoothing. You don't have to do you're whole head just where you think it needs some extra love.
(I got a stupid relaxer not long ago and it stripped my very curly hair...I regret it but hey what can you do. Thankfully these products bring out the curl in my hair and the serum makes it nice and soft...)

Ok, SHAKE IT OUT! That's right shake and move and dance and sing...well you don't have to sing but shake it.

Okay all done...like for realz this is my "Wake up and sorta go" look.
One of my many Caradona looks....soon to be all on Trop Rouge one day or another but I wanted to start with the OG first.
Would love to know any of your hair tricks. We can use this page as a sort of sharing community!!
Also check out the John Frieda Frizz Ease video here on leaving your hair down and never pulling back.
Talk to me on Tumblr & follow me on Instagram

There are very few firsts in a girls life. First kiss, first heartbreak, first pet...First hair product. My mother bought me my first hair product in Paris it was 1998. We went to some hair place and she bough me Frizz Ease the original hair serum, I remember being like wow this is going to make me beautiful. The next day she taught me how to use it and how to smooth down the frizz near my face. I remember her saying "Please don't get this everywhere!" and the mom phrase "Wash your hands after" I think we all have products we remember or grew up with and John Frieda was one of them, which is why I chose to just use Frizz Ease for my tutorial, from start to finish.

After washing my hair with Shampoo & Conditioner (pour some of the serum in the shampoo it makes it not so hard on your hair). I sprayed the Dream Curl daily styling spray on my damp hair. Make sure to spray all over.

After all the spraying take some hair serum and dispense a dime size amount onto your palms. Rub hands together and distribute evenly throughout hair.

Make sure to get it everywhere. Plus you know your own hair better than anyone else so make sure to put enough where it gets super dry!!
Also...i'm not wearing any makeup in the pictures shown above, like zip zero none. Thought it would be cool for effect!

Okay fast forward a little. I like to put a little bun on the top of my hair to give natural volume near the bangs area. now let it dry..my hair doesn't take long to dry. (also just put some make up one so I could look semi cute and what-not)

Curls are not all the same, and that goes for on your head too! I have three different types of curl textures on my fat head and sometimes they don't all look good! So I go to the curling iron and I fix them. I take the weirdo strait curls and make them bounce. I smooth out anything that needs smoothing. You don't have to do you're whole head just where you think it needs some extra love.
(I got a stupid relaxer not long ago and it stripped my very curly hair...I regret it but hey what can you do. Thankfully these products bring out the curl in my hair and the serum makes it nice and soft...)

Ok, SHAKE IT OUT! That's right shake and move and dance and sing...well you don't have to sing but shake it.

Okay all done...like for realz this is my "Wake up and sorta go" look.
One of my many Caradona looks....soon to be all on Trop Rouge one day or another but I wanted to start with the OG first.
Would love to know any of your hair tricks. We can use this page as a sort of sharing community!!
Also check out the John Frieda Frizz Ease video here on leaving your hair down and never pulling back.
Talk to me on Tumblr & follow me on Instagram