9am talks of film

There is something just *great* about film that you can never get with digital. Growing up my dad always took loads of pictures. And when I say a "loads" I mean thousands..millions maybe (most definitely millions) We have about 3 suit cases and one moving container filled to the rim of just snap shots taken by my father (and mom occasionally) of travels, my brother and I growing up, my grandfather painting a house, my uncles at their prom in the 70's... It's funny cause I think that it's because of my dad I even started to like taking photos...I take photos of SO MUCH CRAP. If I posted all the celings I've taken in the past year you'd all think I was a nut. (I don't know there is just something interesting about a celing...call me crazy)
Last summer with Pierce, I had gotten back from france a couple days ago and took him strait to the beach. His little 5 year old hands could barley keep my heavy camera up.
Okay, now my turn.
Mr. Softee brings me back to when I use to come to New York on vacation. I remember thinking that it was strange to see ice cream be handed to me by a stranger in a van...
Philip Charles my other favorite brother. Yesterday we spent 12 hours together and we just talked about how our teachers in France were *crazy* slapping students and how much I hated sport...thats a whole nother discussion...
What better way to spend your saturday than playing pool in between girls legs. Oh and to your favorite playlist of course.
Gregory the living room mascot.


Oh, wow you're absolutely right.