In a Carlos Falchi


From Left to right:

-Agenda: I keep all my rsvp's songs I love & things I have to do in here
-Glasses: I can't see far away.
-Multi color pen: Best pen in the word cause it has all 4 important colors.
-Mini film camera- I bring this guy(or my desposiable ) everywhere. For funny candid shots. It brings a little cheapness into every photo :)
-Silver wallet I picked up at UO: All stuff goes in here that I need to pay for stuff.
-L'Occitane: Hand lotion at it's finest
-Mac lipstick- a perfect shade of nude
-Burt's bee's: I mix this with the Mac lipstick
-Mike Gonzalez Mints: Miinnnttiiiii
-Peraly Wipes: This is for after you drink your coffee. It keeps the coffee stain off your teeth. It's fun to use and a great way to start a conversation. "clean up your kisser" I also have to wine wipes and that one works too!!
-Cough drops: you never know!!?
-Gum: This is my favorite gum at the moment.
-Mac Blush: The perfect shade of flushed. color in: SUNBASQUE
-Chanel: my on the go makeup. (brown & red) had it for so long that I have no ideal what it's called.
-Dayquil: Never know when you'r gonna get sick.