Shirt- OP, Bathing Suit- American Apparel

The weather as well all know it has been on pretty good behavoir...Sun...warm nights...some strange fog every now and then, but I can deal...and last but not lest POOL WEATHER!
I'm super happy to finally show off my Malibu shirt given to me from OP. I love it. It's such a beautiful electric blue. I know most of you who know my style from following me, have seen me go from plain colors to polka dots...and now im going into prints!!

As soon as I opened my carefully made gift bag filled with OP pieces I knew I had to take a swim in the shirt (I kind a love swimming with shirts on)
OP will be selling at Walmart this summer with incredible low prices. It's so awesome that such a well know brand like OP is branching out to places like Walmart. You guys NEED to check out the swimwear as well for the line.... Think Metallic's/90's's Rad!

I baby sat my little brother Pierce who only wanted to listen to Micheal Jackson songs on my iHome. Pierce is totally in love with MJ, but then again who isn't!!?? He has been trying to dance like him for so long but he's only 4 so it's pretty adorable to see him try to dance to "Thriller" or "Beat It"

We watched a Micheal Jackson DVD in the living room that night.
Pierce gets sooooo into it, trying to imitate every move. I usually sit on the couch with my lapop trying to finish up emails or googling lol cats. :)...I can't lie... I'm most of the time googling lol cats..

I need a new computer mine is driving me nuts! I need like a Mac book with a wonderful photo shop on it to keep me happy for hours at end...and to continu blogging haha.

wishlist ?!!