Dolman crop top-PIKO 1988, Shorts- AA, Thigh Highs- AA

Hi guys! I hope that everyone Memorial days was funfuninthesun!!! It was SO HOT in New York! My pool is up and ready too by the way so I can't to take some pool pictures for you guys! I can't wait to wear my OP suit!

eeeeeeekkkkkkkk i'm happy.

Shaun and I went to the beach. Where I had fun doing scratch offs that were a tad bit complex for me. Shaun watched me as he drank his Corona. I kind of gave up after I realised I wasn't winning anything haha.

I am in love with AA's Cotton twill Welt shorts! They fit so nice. Sometimes with my small size it's hard to find shorts that fit you so perfectly.

Sorry that my undies are peeping out. I was wearing the AA high waisted underwear... I don't know why but I feel like a real woman when i'm wearing high waisted underwear. Yeah, it sounds grannish but it's truly not!

Photo credit: Pink Pout