Mariah Serrano Fashion

I recently was able to attend Mariah Serrano Fashion show in Eastern Long Island with Olivia Joel. I've been so busy with work that I havn't been able to talk about it...well believe me I've been talking about it, but not sharing this news with you guys.

Her Show was nothing below my expectations. Mariah has such an amazing style and what I find even more exciting is that she's only 17, it's amazing that she is designing such fun and flirty pieces at such a young age. I can wait to see what's in store for the future.

I wanted to ask Mariah a few questions but she was so busy being interviewed every 3 seconds that I quickly gave her a hug and kiss and raved about the clothes for probably a quick 15seconds before Olivia and I left. We were going to attend the after party, but I was so tired and could barley keep my eyes open.

I have been emailing Mariah, for the past week. We had always talked about her making a dress for me and now that summer is approaching and the weather is looking less grey, I hope to be wearing her designs very soon.

(check out her site Miss Fashion Fin she doesn't do anything with it. I believe I may have emailed her asking her to update it, but she's too busy to care I think ha.)
1st photo credit:Darien Magin
My camera wasn't working at all.